Choice Bears must snatch the deal up fast!!

The Bears Are Rightly Addressing the Quarterback-Sized Elephant in the Room - Sports Illustrated

An Ideal Choice for Bears in Round 4 at No. 122.

The best athlete is still vital by the third day of the draft, but there are still holes to be filled, and the Bears may find some players that got overlooked.

A few smaller requirements might wait until later in the draft because the Bears have several pressing needs to address.

Ryan Poles’ issue is that, with their final pick coming in at number 122 overall, there isn’t really a later pick available for him in this round. Less the picks forfeited by rule breakers like Miami’s owner, there will be 257 available for selection in the draft. Without the Bears, a lot of skill will go to other teams.

Consequently, the Bears’ fourth-round pick at No. 122 is the one pick out of the four that they might be most likely to trade. It wouldn’t be shocking if they returned and made another claim for the sixth or seventh rounds.

The Bears Are Rightly Addressing the Quarterback-Sized Elephant in the Room - Sports Illustrated

This is due to their other needs, which include a third wide receiver, a quarterback, and an edge rusher. Only a year after drafting two of them, a three-technique defensive lineman, a guard, and perhaps a blocking tight end could be useful.

By the fourth round, teams start using the draft to fill specific needs. When the draft reaches Day 3, the goal should actually be to find the best athlete who fills a need, not the best athlete who is available.

Under the assumption that they don’t trade the selection for several picks later, these are the best choices for the Bears at No. 122 in Round 4.

First, DT Citadel’s Tyler Davis
Although he is slightly undersized at 6-foot-2 and 302 pounds, the Bears would still consider him to be comparable to last year’s Zacch Pickens. On the other hand, he is a playmaker who finished 2019 with 6 1/2 sacks. Thirty tackles for loss and sixteen throughout his career. He posted a time in the 40 of 5.02 seconds, showing quickness both into and off the ball, but his split time of 1.72 seconds for 10 yards was in the top 28%. A player whose top comparison is first-round Illinois would be a good choice for the Bears at this point in the draft.

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