Report: Nottingham forest  Owner Evangelos Marinakis  Urge to replace Nuno Espírito Santo with former Forest Coach if Nuno definitely Join Chelsea…

### Report: Evangelos Marinakis Urges Nottingham Forest to Replace Nuno Espírito Santo with Former Coach

Evangelos Marinakis, the owner of Nottingham Forest, is reportedly pushing for the club to consider rehiring a former Forest coach should Nuno Espírito Santo leave the team to join Chelsea. This development has sparked considerable discussion among fans and analysts, given the potential impact on the club’s strategy and future.

#### Current Situation

Nuno Espírito Santo, who took over as the head coach of Nottingham Forest, has been linked with a move to Chelsea. This speculation comes amid reports that Chelsea is looking for a new manager to replace their current head coach. Nuno’s tenure at Nottingham Forest, although relatively short, has been marked by a series of tactical innovations and a notable improvement in the team’s performance.

The allure of a prestigious club like Chelsea is undeniable, and should Nuno decide to accept the offer, Nottingham Forest would be left searching for a new leader. In this context, Evangelos Marinakis’s preference for a familiar face makes strategic sense.

#### Evangelos Marinakis’s Vision

Marinakis, a Greek shipping magnate, has been involved with Nottingham Forest since 2017. His tenure as owner has been characterized by significant investment in the club, both in terms of player acquisitions and infrastructure. Marinakis’s vision for Nottingham Forest includes not only securing promotion to the Premier League but also establishing the club as a stable and competitive force within English football.

The potential departure of Nuno Espírito Santo would represent a significant disruption to this vision. Marinakis’s push to rehire a former coach is likely rooted in the desire for continuity and stability. A coach familiar with the club’s culture, players, and operational dynamics could ensure a smoother transition and maintain the momentum built under Nuno.

#### Potential Candidates

Several former Nottingham Forest coaches could be considered for the role. Among them, Sabri Lamouchi stands out as a prominent candidate. Lamouchi, who managed Forest from June 2019 to October 2020, had a mixed tenure but left a lasting impression due to his tactical acumen and ability to develop young talent. His familiarity with the club’s infrastructure and many of its current players could make him a suitable choice.

Another potential candidate could be Aitor Karanka, who managed the club from January 2018 to January 2019. Known for his defensive solidity and experience in English football, Karanka could provide the stability and discipline needed during a period of transition.

#### Fan and Expert Reactions

The prospect of rehiring a former coach has elicited mixed reactions from fans and pundits. Some supporters argue that bringing back a known entity could help preserve the tactical frameworks and team spirit cultivated under Nuno. Others, however, feel that a fresh perspective might be necessary to continue the club’s upward trajectory.

Experts also highlight the potential risks associated with rehiring former coaches. The circumstances under which they previously left the club, their recent career performance, and the evolving dynamics of the current squad are all critical factors that need careful consideration.

#### Conclusion

The potential move of Nuno Espírito Santo to Chelsea places Nottingham Forest at a crossroads. Evangelos Marinakis’s urge to consider a former coach reflects a pragmatic approach aimed at ensuring continuity and stability. While the decision is fraught with complexities, it underscores the club’s ambition to sustain its growth and competitive edge. As the situation develops, the club’s leadership will need to weigh the benefits of familiarity against the potential advantages of a new direction.

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