Breaking News: NASCAR Star Danny Hamlin’s Wife Jordan Fish has been Announced as First Top Moto Racer, Set to Compete Alongside Other NASCAR WAGs in 2025

Breaking News: NASCAR Star Danny Hamlin’s Wife Jordan Fish Announced as First Top MotoGP Racer, Set to Compete Alongside Other NASCAR WAGs in 2025

*Daytona Beach, FL (June 5, 2024)* — In a groundbreaking announcement that bridges two of the world’s most thrilling motorsports, Jordan Fish, the beloved wife of NASCAR superstar Danny Hamlin, has been revealed as the first top-tier MotoGP racer to compete in a newly established racing series featuring wives and girlfriends (WAGs) of NASCAR drivers. This unprecedented move, set to debut in the 2025 racing season, promises to bring an exciting new dynamic to the motorsport landscape.

**A New Era for Motorsport**

The initiative, a collaborative effort between MotoGP and NASCAR, aims to create a unique racing series that highlights the skills and competitive spirit of the WAGs of NASCAR’s elite. The series is designed to offer a fresh perspective on motorsports, showcasing the often-overlooked talents of those who are usually seen supporting their partners from the sidelines.

Jordan Fish, a former professional dancer and businesswoman, has been a prominent figure in the NASCAR community, known for her unwavering support of Hamlin and her involvement in various philanthropic activities. However, her transition to MotoGP racing marks a significant shift in her public persona, highlighting her versatility and passion for high-speed competition.

**Jordan Fish: From Supporter to Star**

Jordan Fish’s journey from being a supportive partner to a MotoGP racer is a story of determination, hard work, and breaking barriers. Fish, who has been a familiar face in the NASCAR paddocks, has always harbored a love for racing. In recent years, she has dedicated herself to rigorous training, honing her skills on the track and proving her mettle in various amateur competitions.

“I’ve always been passionate about motorsports, and this opportunity to compete in MotoGP is a dream come true,” Fish said during the announcement. “Racing has been a significant part of my life through Denny, but now I have the chance to step into the spotlight and showcase what I’ve learned. I’m excited to compete and represent all the incredible women who support their partners in this sport.”

**Training and Preparation**

Fish’s preparation for the MotoGP series has been nothing short of intense. She has undergone extensive training, including advanced riding techniques, physical conditioning, and mental resilience exercises. Her training regimen has been overseen by some of the best coaches in the industry, ensuring she is well-equipped to handle the demands of MotoGP racing.

Her husband, Danny Hamlin, has been a pillar of support throughout her journey. “Jordan has always been incredibly supportive of my career, and now it’s my turn to support her. I’ve seen her dedication and commitment firsthand, and I have no doubt she will excel in this new challenge,” Hamlin commented.

**The Inaugural Season: A Star-Studded Lineup**

The inaugural season of the MotoGP WAGs series will feature a star-studded lineup, with other notable participants including Samantha Busch, wife of Kyle Busch, and Whitney Dillon, wife of Austin Dillon. Each participant brings a unique background and set of skills to the competition, promising a thrilling and diverse racing experience for fans.

The series will include a mix of traditional MotoGP circuits and specially designed tracks that blend elements of both MotoGP and NASCAR, creating a unique racing environment that tests the adaptability and skill of the racers. The competition format will feature individual races as well as team events, fostering both personal rivalries and collaborative strategies.

**Reactions from the Motorsports Community**

The announcement has generated widespread excitement within the motorsports community. Industry experts believe that the series will not only provide thrilling entertainment but also serve as a platform to promote gender diversity in racing.

Carmelo Ezpeleta, CEO of Dorna Sports, the commercial rights holder for MotoGP, expressed his enthusiasm for the new series. “We are thrilled to welcome Jordan Fish and the other talented women to MotoGP. This initiative represents a significant step forward in our efforts to diversify the sport and bring new audiences to MotoGP. We believe this series will inspire many and create unforgettable moments for fans around the world.”

Similarly, Steve Phelps, President of NASCAR, highlighted the potential of the series to strengthen the bond between NASCAR and MotoGP fans. “This collaboration opens up exciting possibilities for both sports. The WAGs of our drivers are incredibly talented and competitive, and we are excited to see them showcase their skills on an international stage. It’s a testament to the spirit of racing and the drive to push boundaries.”

**Looking Ahead**

As the 2025 season approaches, anticipation is building for what promises to be a landmark moment in motorsports history. Jordan Fish and her fellow competitors are gearing up for an intense and exhilarating season that will test their limits and redefine their roles within the racing community.

Fans can expect a series that not only delivers high-octane action but also tells compelling stories of determination, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence. The MotoGP WAGs series is set to break new ground, offering a fresh perspective on racing and celebrating the multifaceted talents of women in motorsports.


Jordan Fish’s transition from NASCAR supporter to MotoGP racer symbolizes a significant shift in the motorsport narrative, emphasizing that passion and talent know no boundaries. Her journey, along with those of her fellow competitors, will undoubtedly inspire many and pave the way for greater inclusivity in the world of racing.

As the countdown to the 2025 season begins, the motorsport world eagerly awaits the debut of Jordan Fish and the groundbreaking MotoGP WAGs series. With its unique blend of talent, competition, and storytelling, this new series is poised to become a cornerstone of the racing calendar and a testament to the limitless potential of those who dare to chase their dreams.

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